brain dump || 4

photo credit: bing *these are just random things being spilled from my mind.* i don't want to go to college. i don't have the money and don't have anything i want to study for. but at the same time, i know it would be so fun. and sometimes i feel like i am missing it. … Continue reading brain dump || 4

The Bench

photo from bing by Sara Ann for a long, long time people said that The Bench was possessed. and it was, in some ways.  when you sat on The Bench (for everyone always thought of it in capitals) every season of the year passed before your eyes. it was winter, spring, summer, and autumn within … Continue reading The Bench

feel the spring arise

picture from bing i wrote this a long while ago for a contest. by Sara Ann the leaves floating down from the trees and the breeze on my face. the smell of sunshine and the feel of the dew on my feet. the song of the birds. the light is green that filters through the … Continue reading feel the spring arise

three year blogavaersiery

today is my three year blogavaersiery. it feels so long ago but at the same time like it was just yesterday when i started. i never really thought i would have a blog. it was a childhood dream before i even became a writer. so you see, i had no idea what i'd blog about. … Continue reading three year blogavaersiery