three year blogavaersiery

today is my three year blogavaersiery. it feels so long ago but at the same time like it was just yesterday when i started. i never really thought i would have a blog. it was a childhood dream before i even became a writer. so you see, i had no idea what i'd blog about. … Continue reading three year blogavaersiery

our mutual love

the first time i saw you, over a year ago, you were starving. you were small and skinny with the puppiest puppy eyes i've ever seen. at first we ignored you, hoping you’d leave. but when you didn’t my mom took pity on your poor body. we gave you scraps. even canned green beans we … Continue reading our mutual love


from bing tonight i was... feeling lonely. i was missing you... forget it. it's too hard too explain. long story short, i feel resigned in a calm, complacent way now.

little me

from bing in honor of my 17th birthday that was monday. if five year old me could see me now, she would have been shocked and maybe would have fainted if she had known it was me. she had a lot of different ideas of what was wrong and what wasn’t. i used to be … Continue reading little me